Fit Together in Action August

Fit Together in Action August News

Fit Together Partner Highlights- Gilbert School New Vegetable Garden

This June Gilbert School students installed a new vegetable garden as one of a Fit Together min grant recipients. Ms. Frechette, a master gardener, volunteered to help with this project along with Mrs. Gilbert the school nurse and Fit Together wellness champion.  The students planted tomatoes, a variety of squash, green beans, pumpkins, and other vegetables.  Produce picked this summer is being donated to Winsted’s Open Door Soup Kitchen providing a wonderful nutritious resource to the community and families.  In the fall the produce will go directly to the students through the food backpack program which is sent home on Fridays during the school year.

Celebrate Belonging Event Comes to Main Street Torrington Friday August 26 4-8pm

The B.E.R.E.A.D.Y. Project, with sponsorship from the Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging council, is hosting an all ages family-friendly event on Friday, Aug. 26. 4-8pm.

The groups created this dynamic event to engage Torrington and surrounding communities in a celebration that brings awareness to the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion that people may be facing whether race, religion/spiritual beliefs, mental or medical disability, financial status, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. They want to encourage acceptance of ALL differences so ALL can feel included and supported in their community.

Stop by to enjoy vendors of culturally diverse food, information and activities from organizations that advocate for equity and inclusion, and live entertainment.

Fit Together will be there!!!


Worksite Wellness- walking meetings a MUST

Host a “walking meeting.”  A walking meeting serves as a time and space to inform, collaborate, discuss and plan, along with the health benefits of walking.  Recent research finds that the act of walking leads to increases in creative thinking, more honest exchanges with employees and are more productive than traditional sit-down meetings.  Be sure to notify the attendees in advance so they can wear or bring appropriate footwear.

Seven Reasons to Schedule a Walking Meeting

How to do Walking Meetings Right



Fit Together’s Family Bike Rally is Back- Sunday September 11  10-12 Sue Grossman Greenway


Summer Sunshine Smoothie

Beat the summer heat with this simple smoothie recipe! Featuring milk, yogurt, nectarines, bananas and (surprise!) carrots, this smoothie packs a big punch of nutrition and flavor. This recipe is sure to be a hit with the entire family. In addition, try making smoothie popsicles by pouring the blended smoothie into popsicle molds or paper cups and freezing for 4 or more hours. To download this recipe, click on the link below!

View Recipe


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