Fit Together in Action September News
Fit Together Partner Highlights- Oliver Wolcott Technical High School
Oliver Wolcott Technical High School is one of our Fit Together Silver partners. A few years ago they used funds from Fit Together to buy and install a touchless water fountain. They promoted the new fountain with a cool water intake challenging. This spring they school was awarded another Fit Together Mini Grant. The funds were used to purchase six spin bikes that they just got installed!
The bikes are used by students who need to take a physical education class or by students who may not be able to fully participate in a physical education class. Gail Duffy, the Assistant Principal shared that the students and staff are thrilled to have the bikes to enhance their physical education and fitness programs.
How TV Can Influence What Your Child Eats
TV time can take a toll on your child’s nutrition. Why? Many kids spend a fair amount of time in front of the television and research shows they are easily swayed to choose the foods they see advertised. Read more about what you can do. Read Article
Worksite Wellness- Packing lunches for the whole family
Mornings can be hectic – save yourself some time and make a healthy lunch the night before. If you have children, have them make their own lunches with you. Quality time together and a few minutes longer to sleep in the morning or extend your workout. Win-win!
Celebrate Belonging Event DATE CHANGE Comes to Main Street Torrington Thursday September 29
The B.E.R.E.A.D.Y. Project, with sponsorship from the Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging council, is hosting an all ages family-friendly event on Thursday September 29, 3-7pm.
The groups created this dynamic event to engage Torrington and surrounding communities in a celebration that brings awareness to the issues of diversity, equity and inclusion that people may be facing whether race, religion/spiritual beliefs, mental or medical disability, financial status, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expression. They want to encourage acceptance of ALL differences so ALL can feel included and supported in their community.
Stop by to enjoy vendors of culturally diverse food, information and activities from organizations that advocate for equity and inclusion, and live entertainment. Community engagement is highly encouraged!
Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts Recipe
Don’t think you like little cabbages? Try this recipe with sweet balsamic vinegar and apple juice glaze making Brussels sprouts an adult and kid-pleasing vegetable.