Spring Mini-Grant Awardees

NWCT’s Fit Together awards mini-grants- making the healthy choice the easy choice

TORRINGTON, Conn. — June 8, 2021 —

Fit Together 5210- Norwest corner’s healthy living initiative is excited to announce six mini-grant awardees.  Fit Together offers two mini grant cycles each year to Northwest CT organizations to help support projects that align with their mission of healthy eating and active living.

“We saw the highest number of applicants for this spring’s cycle” stated Fit Together’s executive director Carla Angevine. “I think our re-entry back from COVID has really sparked a new dedication and interest into providing opportunities for physical activity and wellness.”

The Spring 2021 awardees are; Winsted YMCA for their project Camp Golden Arrows which will help provide summer garden beds and picnic area to their campers,  Torrington Police Activities League for their portable  basketball hoops to be used by PAL and other community organizations, St. Paul’s Hilltop Early Learning Center for their outdoor classrooms project which will add fun interactive equipment to their outdoor classrooms, Southwest Elementary School asphalt activities project which will increase students’ outside physical activity and movement, New Hartford PTO to support their playground project fundraising campaign for two new school playgrounds, and Torrington Kids Marathon to support this year’s efforts with a T-shirt sponsorship for over 300 local kids.

Chris Smedick, the Executive Director of the Torrington Police Activities League, “We’re once again pleased to collaborate with Fit Together.  The grant we received was instrumental in PAL’s ability to purchase portable basketball hoops that will be used throughout the summer and in the future at PAL activities throughout Torrington.”

The fall Fit Together mini-grant application is due October 15 and can be found on Fit Together’s website www.fittogethernwct.org.

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