Fit Together in Action August

Fit Together in Action August News

Healthy Habits for Back-to-School

It’s almost time to say goodbye to summer and send our children back to school. Transitions can sometimes cause stress and anxiety, but planning and adjusting habits can go a long way in helping kids to manage and thrive.

  • Exercise and stay physically active. Take a walk or bike ride after dinner, sign kids up for a team sport, dance class or swim lessons, stretch out and create a bedtime yoga practice, plan a family hike – the possibilities are endless, but get your family moving. Nothing reduces stress and anxiety better than exercise, so start now to encourage healthy habits for a lifetime.
  • Cut sugar and processed foods. Summer wouldn’t be summer without treats like ice cream & s’mores, but as school approaches, start to cut any sugary habits from your family’s diet, especially close to bedtime. Leave the sugared drinks at the supermarket and get a reusable water bottle to keep in your child’s backpack.
  • Encourage a good night’s sleep. Use the weeks before school to transition to an earlier bedtime and set up expectations for a healthy nighttime routine.  If visual reminders help your child, make a simple checklist to follow as you brush teeth, share books and bring a quiet end to the day.
  • Limit Screen Time and ban screens from the bedroom. Studies show that limiting sedentary activities such as video games and TV/internet viewing can greatly improve your child’s mood and mental health. Too much screen time has been linked to behavior problems, obesity and irregular sleep.


Mini Grant Due- October 15



Work Site Wellness: The importance of being mindful

Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present and aware of where we are and what we are doing.

When we are mindful of our thoughts we reduce stress and enhance our performance and gain insight and awareness through our minds.

Check out this tips and exercises:  Mindful


Lean Protein important for Healthy Aging

Make one of these filling dinner recipes that support healthy aging. As you get older, it's important to eat high quality protein foods  like fish, chicken, beans and turkey. Recipes like Sheet-Pan Salmon with Sweet Potatoes & Broccoli and Hearty Chickpea & Spinach Stew are packed with at least 15 grams of protein and plenty of colorful vegetables and whole grains to create a balanced and delicious meal.

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