Fit Together 5210 in Action – December 2018
Greetings Torrington school wellness champions,
Thank you all for your interest in your students’ health and wellness.
Fit Together is excited to partner with you to help build the healthiest kids, families and communities through sustainable strategies that foster healthy eating and active living.
Do not worry, there is NO added work!!!
The purpose of these newsletters is to provide wellness tips for you, your classes and your families, share resources and give you the opportunity to reach back out to us if you would like further information.
First a little bit about US:
Fit Together: Northwest CT Healthy Eating & Active Living Initiative
Fit Together, a community collaborative, was formed in 2011 with the initial purpose to identify and implement environmental and social improvements in Torrington and Winsted that help make healthy choices for individuals, easy choices.
Our dream is that Torrington & Winsted will be recognized as the healthiest communities in Connecticut. Our future is held by our children and our challenge is to give them the best chance to live long, healthy and productive lives.
We adopted “5-2-1-0” as a central message for all of its initiatives. Let’s Go!, a childhood obesity prevention initiative in Maine, originally developed the 5-2-1-0 message, which stands for ( you know those posters you see around your schools):
5- or more fruits and vegetables a day
2- hours or less of recreational screen time a day
1- hour or more of physical activity a day
0- sugary sweetened beverages
Fit Together has implemented the 5210 message in pediatricians’ offices, early childcare centers, home daycares and now Torrington and Winsted schools. We need your help to spread the word!
What’s happening NOW?
Each school has formed a wellness team and has received a 5210 Toolkit. They are busy working on one or more of the 5210 10 strategies for success (see attached). We are pleased to announce that Fit Together Mini Grants were awarded, two to the district and one to the Middle School.
Café Yum: Coming Winter 2019- Healthy cooking tips for your food service staff and delicious good for you food tastings for your students.
Torrington Kids Golf: Money to purchase SNAG (Starting New At Golf) Equipment to introduce a program called Torrington Kids Golf to all elementary school students districtwide.
Community Fitness Trail: Money to help implement Phase 1 of a fitness trail at the middle school. The new fitness trail will complement the already existing nature trail providing fun fitness equipment that will wrap around the school campus.
Looking for more information?
Please contact Jessica Stewart our Fit Together 5210
Wishing you all a Wonderful Holiday Season!