Fit Together in Action February News
Partner Highlight: Vogel-Wetmore after School Program
Fitness Fun with Fit Together
Jessica Stewart Fit Together’s Youth and Family Coordinator has been providing a Fitness Fun class twice a week at Vogel-Wetmore’s after-school program to kindergarteners. It's an hour long class that keeps the students moving with fun activities and games while learning the basics to exercises. Some of the activities come from the CATCH program which is an evidence-based program to prevent childhood obesity. She has enjoyed working with the kids and look forward to working with the other age groups over the next few months.
More info on CATCH
5 Ways to Promote a Positive Body Image for Kids
Learn how parents and other adult role models can promote a positive body image for children of all ages.
Worksite Wellness- National Snack Food Month
100 million Americans use vending machines every day to gain access to fast and easy food and beverage options. Unfortunately, the snacks that are usually made readily available are those that contribute to obesity and other health issues. If you provide vending machines for your employees and would like to learn more about the downfalls of the typical vending machine snack options as well as the benefits of swapping them out for healthy work snacks, Read more
Bad food habits at work? Get back on track in 5 steps ...Can changing your work environment and habits help set you on a path to better health? Research says yes. Back on Track!
Oatmeal-Coconut Cookies with Cranberries & White Chocolate
Classic oatmeal cookie recipe gets a flavor twist with coconut, white chocolate chips (which have a more delicate flavor than milk or dark chocolate) and tart dried cranberries. The result is a chewy, sweet treat that's sure to leave you coming back for more.