Fit Together in Action April

Fit Together in Action April News

Partner Highlight: School Gardens

Spring is here and school gardens have begun!  We have five Fit Together partners who are in full swing with their plantings and include Brooker Memorial, Gilbert, Vogel-Wetmore, Torringford, Goshen, Warren, and James Morris. The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul. Gardening helps kids engage their curiosity, learn to be resourceful and gain self-confidence. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone outside for fresh air and physical activity!

Read More- Kids in the Garden

Parent/Caregiver Survey Launch

The Northwest CT Community Foundation (NCCF) requests your help. They are launching a Parent/Caregiver Survey targeting residents from Northwest CT

Please share and take if you are pregnant or raising young children under the age of eight.

Worksite Wellness- Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness month, and stress can have significant consequences on employees and the company as a whole.  Stressed-out employees may experience depression, headaches, high blood pressure and even heart attacks.  Workplaces may see decreased productivity and higher turnover. Here are some ways to encourage workplace wellness:

  • Encourage employees to go on a walk during lunch breaks
  • Subsidize gym memberships
  • Bring a yoga instructor into the office once a month
  • Hold a steps contest among teams for those who own fitness trackers
  • Offer health snacks in the office.  If you have a vending machine, does it include healthy items and NO SUGAR beverages?

For more information on how to help employees manage stress, click on the link below:

Reduce Stress

Bunny Bread ( AKA Carrot)

The whole family will hop right up to sample this healthy treat — a delicious carrot bread recipe made with half whole-wheat flour.

Get Recipe


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